Enhance Your Support & Customer Service

Streamlined Customer Management & Marketing Tools Stone Edge Order Manager equips your customer service department with the tools necessary for rapid response times and efficient customer management. Automate routine tasks and leverage marketing tools to boost sales and enhance customer retention. A comprehensive customer database is automatically built as you import and process orders.

Email Communications

  • Automated Notifications: Automatically send order confirmations, shipping notifications, and other critical emails.
  • Email Templates: Utilize a powerful template system for sending pre-formatted messages.
  • Flexible Emailing: Send template-based or free-form emails directly from an order or customer view.
  • Bulk Emailing: Send mass emails to customers with ease.
  • Customer Filtering: Filter customers by name, address, email, items purchased, and more.
  • RFM Data: View and filter by Recency, Frequency, and Monetary Value (RFM) data.
  • Data Export: Export customer data to text files for use with bulk email programs.

Customer Service Features

Billing, Invoicing, and Accounts Receivable

  • Order & Payment Tracking: Maintain detailed records of order and payment history.
  • Customer Statements: Print customer statements for billing purposes.
  • Aged Receivables Reports: Generate reports on aged receivables.
  • Balance Management: Carry forward balances and credits to new orders.
  • Problem Customer Flagging: Identify and flag problem customers to prevent future issues.

Call Center Operations

  • Customer Search: Easily search for customers by name, address, email, items purchased, and more.
  • Order Automation: Automatically fill in name and address information for mail order/telephone orders and select credit cards and ship-to addresses from previous orders.
  • Order Status Lookup: Quickly look up the status of orders and individual line items, tracking numbers, and inventory levels.
  • Order Status System: Provide customers with up-to-the-minute order status and tracking info on your website.

Notes & Task Management

  • Order Notes: Enter notes on orders and in customer records for detailed tracking.
  • Automated Notes: Set up notes to be automatically recorded when specific events occur.
  • Task Conversion: Convert notes to tasks and assign them to employees.
  • Task Scheduling: Set tasks for future dates and times with automatic notifications to ensure timely completion.