Microsoft Ending Support of Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer 11 Internet Explorer has been around since the year 1995 and on October 17, 2013, Internet Explorer 11 was released, which was the last major version of Internet Explorer. Starting June 15, 2022, Internet Explorer 11 will not be supported for certain versions of Windows 10.  Microsoft plans to move its users to Microsoft Edge as it boasts more features and better security. Updates with Stone Edge Stone Edge previously used Internet Explorer to open any web connection from Stone Edge. Starting with version 7.729, Stone Edge has been updated to use the default browser located within your Windows settings. What if I have an Older Operating System? True the end of Internet Explorer 11 will mostly affect Windows 10 users at the time of writing this, however that does not mean other operating systems will not be affected. Even if you can still access Internet Explorer on older operating systems the majority of Microsoft’s technical support is for Windows 10 and 11. Outdated software can cause issues and being more aware of your software and staying up-to-date is the best way to keep these changes from affecting you. But What About IE Mode? IE Mode, or Internet [...]