Speed Up Order Imports

The Stone Edge Order Manager (SEOM) is a powerful automation tool for online retailers.  It can take processing of orders from a very manual and tedious process, to a fully automated process, or somewhere in between. Why can order imports be slow? Many users like to automate routine tasks during the order import.  This might include running a MaxMind fraud check, validating address during import, charging credit cards, or using approval rules to revise or manipulate orders.  Unfortunately, the more things that you have the software doing during the import, the longer the import will take.  This is especially true when that "thing" involves a post to the Internet, such as fraud checks, address validation on both billing and shipping addresses, and credit card processing.  If each API call takes one second to post, wait for a response, then process the response,  you can see how doing a fraud check, address validation, and credit card pre-authorization can add several seconds to the import of each orders!  Multiply that times hundreds or thousands of orders and you're in for a long wait. The other bottleneck when import orders has to do with the limitations of reliably importing data between two distinct [...]