Volusion Shopping Cart Setup

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Shopping Cart Integration

Special Requirements/Considerations

Configure Stone Edge

  1. Go to Main Menu > Settings > System Functions > Shopping Carts. The Store Setup Wizard can also be used to open the Shopping Carts screen.
  2. Select Add New.
  3. Enter an arbitrary name for the Volusion Web store in the Store Name field. It can be anything you like, but it should be unique. This value is only used internally in Stone Edge.
  4. Select Volusion from Cart Type. If the user is only licensed for one shopping cart system, Cart Type displays the name of that system rather than a drop-down list.
  5. Enter the email address you use to login to the Admin section of your cart into the Cart ID/User Name field.
  6. To determine the value that goes into the Cart Password and reenter Password fields, do the following:
    1. Log into the Admin section and go to Inventory > Import/Export > Volusion API > Order Management >  Run StoneEdge\download orders.
    2. Click Run once again and copy the string in the or use this URL text box to Notepad.

    3. Copy the value after &Encrypted Password= and before &EDI and paste it into the shopping cart definition password fields. In the example below, you would copy the entire value starting with 02e98E2C5 and ending with E4F03C and paste it into the password fields:


  1. To determine the value that goes into the Stone Edge shopping cart definition Script URL field, look at the beginning of the string in the or use this URL field (see previous step). In the following example, copy the entire value after http:// and before the ? and paste it into the Script URL field.


  1. Click Save to create the shopping cart definition.

  2. Click Test Script URL to validate the path to the script. This button is not visible until the shopping cart definition is initially saved. If successful, the program pops a message box stating "Test passed" and the script version. This test does not validate the Username and Password credentials, merely the accessibility of the script.

  3. The shopping cart definition is complete! Continue with Importing Suppliers and Importing Products before importing orders. The remaining tasks described below can be done at a later time, if you wish.

Importing Suppliers

Importing Products

Stone Edge is able to import product records from Volusion.

  1. Go to Main Menu > Settings > System Functions > Shopping Carts.

  1. Select the appropriate shopping cart definition from the list.

  2. Click Import & Update Data in the Additional Functions section of the screen.

  1. Select Import Inventory.

  2. The program prompts for confirmation that you want to import all products from the shopping cart.

  3. Select OK.

  4. The subsequent screen allows you to refine the product record import process. The available choices depend on the shopping cart system.

    1. Choose whether to Start by deleting all existing Inventory? or to retain existing product data.

    2. If existing product data is not deleted, choose whether to replace all existing data with data from the shopping cart, just selected fields, or do not change any existing data. The last choice basically means that only data for product records which do not presently exist in the store data file are imported.

  5. Select OK.   

  6. When the product import is complete, the program displays a summary of the results.

  7. Select OK.

  8. Select Close to exit the Shopping Carts screen.

Importing Customer Records

Stone Edge is able to import customer records from Volusion shopping carts.

Customer records are also created in Stone Edge as orders are imported if the program does not find a matching customer record in the store data file. Refer to Matching Customer Records to Existing Customers, for more information about that process.


  1. Go to Main Menu > Settings > System Functions > Shopping Carts.
  2. Select the appropriate shopping cart definition from Carts List.
  3. Select Import & Update Data in the Additional Functions section of the screen.

  1. Optional: Select Update Matching Records to allow the import process to update the existing customer record with new information from the shopping cart.
  2. Select Import Customers.
  3. The program asks if it should import all Customer records from the shopping cart.
  4. Select OK.   
  5. The results of the import are summarized. Click OK.
  6. Close the Shopping Carts screen.

Importing Orders

  1. Go to Main Menu > Import My Orders > Import My New Orders.

  2. Choose the appropriate shopping cart definition from Select Shopping Cart.

  3. Select Import via Internet. Refer to Knowledge Base topic, Import Orders, for general instructions.

Configuring Custom Fields

Configuring Order Status Updates

This feature is supported, but the cart only accepts the status labels in the following section, and a tracking number must also be available to send with the status update. Since Stone Edge is not allowed to set the status to any other value, the program can effectively only change the status of an order at Volusion once.

Refer to Knowledge Base topics, Status Events, and Status Updates Feature: Basic Requirements, for more information about configuring Stone Edge to send order status updates to the shopping cart.


  1. Set system parameter UseStatusUpdates to TRUE.

  2. Load the default list of Status Events, if you are setting up Order Status Updates for the first time. If you use status updates with another cart, skip this step.

  3. Choose the status event which triggers the sending of updates to the cart and select Notify Cart.

  4. Ensure that the Local or Shared Stack is up and running.

Acceptable Order Status Labels for Volusion

Configure Real-time Inventory Synchronization

This feature is supported at the attribute level.


  1. Take a physical inventory and update the QOH of all products at the web store or in Stone Edge.

  2. Go to Main Menu>Settings>System Functions> Shopping Carts.

  3. Select the appropriate shopping cart definition from Carts List.

  1. Select Import & Update Data under Additional Functions.

  1. If the accurate QOH is at the web store, select Get QOH from Website, and optionally select Create Records for New Products. If the accurate QOH is in Stone Edge, select Send QOH to Website.

  2. Select Close to return to the Shopping Carts screen.

  3. Set system parameter SynchQOH to TRUE.

  4. Edit the shopping cart definition again and select Synchronize Inventory.

  5. Select Save.

  6. To test the synchronization, manually change the QOH of an item in Stone Edge or the cart and check the QOH in the other application. The amount of time it takes to sync both applications varies due to a number of factors, but it should not take more than a minute. Review Knowledge Base topic, Inventory Synchronization, for more information.


Order Import

Sales Tax and Shipping Charges


Additional Information

Configuring Custom Fields

Shopping Cart Functions

Import Orders,

Inventory Synchronization

How to Manually Add a Supplier Record

How to Import Supplier Information from a Text File or Database

Matching New Records to Existing Customers

Set System Parameters

Status Events

The Stack Controller


Created: 3/18/13


Published: 09/08/2015