Store Setup Wizard Printing & Report Options

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This section of the Store Setup Wizard contains three pages of settings. The first page is where the user enters company-specific information such as the mailing address, email address, fax number, phone number, Web site URL, and company logo that will appear on invoices and packing slips, etc.

It is possible to use different company information for Manual and Point of Sale (POS) orders versus that which is used for Web orders. If multiple shopping carts are contained in the same data file, the program provides the ability to apply different printing and report preferences for each shopping cart, so that they reflect the particular "brand".  

There are also additional settings related to the printing of POS reports that can be found on the Printing tab of the Point of Sale Setup screen, which can be accessed by the Setup Functions tab of the Maintenance Menu.

The second page has settings to determine the number of copies of a given report will be printed, which report template will be used, and what fields will be included on the reports. These settings can also be specified at the shopping cart level.

Lastly, the third page in comprised of miscellaneous settings, such as determining which reports are printed after Web orders are imported, and which template they will use, as well as visual preferences, such as line shading or the sequence in which order paperwork will print.

Many system parameters that affect Printing & Reporting are covered on these three pages, however, to see the full list of system parameters, refer to the Knowledge Base page, Report Parameter Group. 

Click the Show link next to "In This Topic" at the top of this page to see a series of links in outline form, which can be used to quickly jump to that section of the topic.

In addition, major topics may provide a brief synopsis of a field's purpose or direct the reader to the appropriate section of the topic by scrolling over the image. To return to the previous location within the same page, right-click the mouse and select [Back].

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In addition to the information in the Setup Wizard Knowledge Base pages, the actual program screens of the Setup Wizard also have explanatory text associated with them; hover the cursor over the fields on the screen to see it.


Description of Page 1 of the Printing & Report Section

Figure 1: Store Setup Wizard - Page 1, Printing & Report Options

Options for: Section

Default, Manual and POS Orders Check Box

or Specific Shopping Cart Drop-down List

Company Name & Address.... Section


Address 1 - 4

Optional Information for use with Email Templates Section

Email 1

Phone 1

Fax 1


Email 2

Phone 2

Fax 2


Logo image file for reports Field

Browse Button

Logo Field

Configuring the Company Information for Reports and Email Messages on Page 1

  1. Set the general program values for company Information by checking the Default, Manual & POS Orders box and complete steps 2 - 5, as applicable.

To set preferences for paperwork from orders that originate from a Specific Shopping Cart, choose the cart from the drop-down list and repeat steps 2 - 5, as applicable. Repeat this process for any other shopping carts that should use different company information than that used by Default, Manual & POS Orders.

  1. Enter the company name in the Name field, if different from the name of the store data file, which is pre-populated in the Name field by default.

  2. Enter the mailing address in fields Address 1 - 4.

  3. Enter email, phone, fax, and URL data in the Optional Information for Use with Email Templates fields, as applicable.

  4. Specify the location of the company logo in the Logo image file for reports by manually typing in the path and file name or by using the [Browse] button to navigate to its location.

Description of Page 2 of the Printing & Report Options

Figure 2: Store Setup Wizard - Printing & Report Options, Page 2

The fields that are visible at this screen depends on the type of report that is currently selected. Some of the fields that are visible in Figure 3, which shows the fields related to Invoices, do not apply to Packing Slips, Credit Slips or Mailing Labels.  

Options for: Section

Default & Manual Orders Check Box

or Specific Shopping Cart Drop-down List

When printing: Section

Choose (click on) one of the report types:

Then complete the:

Sets system parameters CreditSlipCopies, InvoiceCopies, LabelCopies or PackingSlipCopies

Sets system parameters CreditSlipLastCopyMessage, InvoiceLastCopyMessage or PackingSlipLastCopyMessage

Sets main or cart-based special system parameters CreditSlipTemplate, InvoiceTemplate, LabelTemplate or PackingSlipTemplate

Message line 1-4

Footer Message

Include: Section

The fields listed below only apply to Invoices and Packing Slips and some of these fields are not available on both report types. Check any of the available fields to have them print on Invoices or Packing Slips. For Packing Slips only, choose whether a packing slip should always be printed for each order.


Bill To Email

Ship To Email

Shipping Method

Internal Order #

Phone Numbers

Backorder Message


Customer ID

Labels for Order Number fields:

Web order numbers

Internal order numbers

Print Packing Slips: Section (not pictured)

These fields are only applicable to Packing Slips.

For All Orders Radio Button

Only if Bill To & Ship To: addresses are different Radio Button

Configuring the Options for Invoices, Packing Slips, Credit Slips and Mailing Labels on Page 2

  1. Set the general program preferences for Default & Manual Orders first by checking the box with the same label and complete steps 2 - 9, where applicable.

To set preferences for paperwork from orders that originate from a Specific Shopping Cart, choose it from the drop-down list and repeat steps 2 - 9, where applicable. Repeat this process for any other shopping carts that should use different printing and report options than those used by Default & Manual Orders.

  1. Select a report type in the When printing: section. Repeat the following steps, where applicable, for each report type.

  2. Enter the number of copies to print in the Print this # of copies field.

  3. If you've opted to print more than one copy of a report, enter an optional Message for the last copy (this step does not apply to Mailing Labels).

  4. Select a report format from the Use the report format called: drop-down list. Since you can't see each report before choosing here, we recommend you select the first option in the list for now (Invoice, Packing Slip, Credit Slip, Labels Avery 5160) and modify your selection later, when you're familiar with the different report formats.

  5. Enter the text that should be included on the report in Message lines 1 - 4 and Footer message (this step only applies to Invoices and Packing Slips).

  6. Select the fields that should be included on the report by checking the appropriate boxes in the Include: section (this step only applies to Invoices and Packing Slips).

  7. Enter the value that should be used as the label for the Web Order Numbers field and Internal Order Numbers field on the report (this step only applies to Invoices and Packing Slips).

  8. For Packing Slips, choose whether to print packing slips For all orders or Only if Bill To & Ship To addresses are different, by checking the appropriate box.

Description of Page 3 of the Printing & Report Options Section


Figure 3: Store Setup Wizard - Printing & Report Options, Page 3

After importing Web orders: Section

Print order summaries Check Box

Print pick lists Check Box

Print a backorder report Check Box

Use this format Drop-down List

Use alternate line shading on: Section

Invoices Check Box

Packing Slips Check Box

Quotes Check Box

Management Reports Check Box

Batch Printing order Drop-down List

Don't print US, USA, etc. in customer address

Configuring the Additional Report Options on Page 3

  1. To have an order summary report, pick list report or backorder report print automatically after a batch of orders have been imported, check the box of each report type in the After importing Web orders: section of the screen.  

  2. Choose the template that will be used for each report type from the corresponding drop-down list.

  1. To make reports easier to read, check the appropriate Use alternate line shading on: box of each report type.

  2. If batch printing will be used, choose the sequence in which paperwork (reports) will be sorted.

The choices are:

  1. In Order Number sequence

  2. In order they are added to the Batch Queue

  3. Alphabetically by the Location of the first line item

  1. To suppress the printing of the Country field when the value is US, USA or United States, check the Don't print US, USA etc. in customer addresses box

  2. Specify the location of the company logo in the Logo image file for reports by manually typing in the path and file name or by using the [Browse] button to navigate to its location.

Navigational Arrows

Wizard Section and Page Numbers

Help Button

Cancel Button

Save and Exit Button


Created: 5/16/11

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