Checking Order Status with the Order Status System

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This topic applies to subscribers to the Order Status Service provided by Stone Edge Technologies Inc.

There are several methods you can use so that your customers can check the status of their order:

Provide a hyperlink to the Order Status System portal in an e-mail

Use the <<Status Link>> tag in the body of your e-mail template. Verify that the SETIStatusLinkURL system parameter (in the SETI group) is set to


When you include an order status link in an e-mail template, the URL is visible because SEOM sends plain text e-mail. If you do not want use the default URL, enter the URL of one of your own pages that will redirect visitors to it. (For directions, see below.)

Redirect visitors to the Order Status System portal

Create a new web page in the editor of your choice, for example, Notepad or a similar program.

Copy and paste the code below at the top of the web page. There should be no carriage returns or line breaks after the code is pasted.


<% response.redirect "" & Request("MerchantID") & "&OrderNumber=" & Request("OrderNumber") & "&Zip=" & Request("Zip") & "&Phone=" & Request("Phone") & "&email=" & Request("Email") %>


Save the page. Name it anything you like as long as the extension is ".asp". (e.g., "status.asp")

Upload this page to your web site.


In SEOM, set the SETIStatusLinkURL system parameter (in the SETI group) to your domain name, the path to the page you just created plus the name of the page, such as


The script looks for the following variables:






OrderNumber and MerchantID are required. OrderNumber can be the web order number or the SEOM order number.

At least one of the remaining fields are required (zip, email).

You can submit the key/value pairs in a URL or from a form using either the post or get method. The script is NOT case sensitive.

Include a link to an XML feed

Note: Check out for a lesson on XML Parsing with Microsoft's XML DOM.


To use the XML feed, you need a script that can parse the data and serve it. It will then appear with your own URL.


To see sample data of what the XML for the Order Status System looks like, click here.


Point and HTTP Post to

The key/value pairs to send in the post are:


MerchantID = (Your MerchantID)

PostType = XML

OrderNumber = The OM or Web order number for the order

Email = The e-mail address on the order

Zip = The Bill to zip code for the order.


The following is the HTTP Post portion which runs in Classic ASP (VBScript) on a computer with Windows installed.


'Build the string that you will post

URL = ""

PostData = "MerchantID=3&PostType=XML&OrderNumber=100&"


'Send the transaction information as part of the query string

set xml = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") "POST", URL, false

xml.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

xml.send PostData


Note: Either the zip code or the e-mail address is required to validate the request, not both. The e-ail address is highly recommended over the zip code.


Additional information

Set System Parameters



Revised: 8/5/15

Published: 04/13/16