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Importing Orders from a Supported Shopping Cart's Text File

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Occasionally, for reasons out of Order Manager's control, it may be necessary to import order information from a supported shopping cart via a text file, rather than by direct XML import. Follow the instructions below to perform the import.

This process will not work for unsupported shopping carts. To import orders from a text file for an unsupported shopping cart, the user must have a generic shopping cart license for the Order Manager and an Import Template must be created.

When importing data from a text file, if the data contains commas, the file should be saved as a tab-delimited file, not a csv.

Quotes should not be present in text files, regardless of whether it is a csv or tab-delimited file, or you will encounter errors.


Importing Orders from a Text File

  1. Obtain the text file from the shopping cart. Consult the cart vendor for specific instructions.

  2. Determine the location of the New Orders folder used by the Order Manager by pressing the Ctrl+Shift+C keys simultaneously while at the Main Menu.

  3. The newly downloaded text file should be placed in the New Orders folder. It should also be the only file in the folder. If other files are already in there, move them to another folder or delete them if they are old and those orders have already been imported.

  4. At the Main Menu of Order Manager, click the Import Orders button or Import link of the Orders section, depending on the version of the Order Manager that is being run.  

  5. Select the appropriate cart from the list and click the Import from Text File button instead of the Import via Internet button.

Created: 1/18/12

Modified: 12/2/14

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