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Add/Edit Coupon Screen

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The Add Coupon and Edit Coupon screens are identical except that the title of the screen changes depending on whether the Add or Edit button on the Coupons screen is clicked. Obviously, at least one coupon must already be defined in order to use the Edit or Delete buttons on the Coupons screen.

To add or edit a coupon, go to the Maintenance Menu, Setup Functions tab and select Coupons from the list of activities.

Use the In This Topic section of this page or click on an area in the images below to be taken to the explanation for each field. To return to the previous location on this page, right-click the mouse and select [Back].

Description of the Add Coupon and Edit Coupon Screen

Figure 1: Add Coupon screen

Figure 2: Edit Coupon screen

Fields and Controls on the Add/Edit Coupon Screen

Coupon ID Field

Start Date Field

End Date Field

Percent Off Field

or Dollars Off Field

Minimum Order Field

Maximum Discount Field

Notes Field

OK Button

Cancel Button   



Created: 1/19/11

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