Sales Tax Parameter Group

Monsoon OMS uses hundreds of system parameters to tailor the program to a merchant's way of doing business.

Each system parameter is associated with a parameter group, based on its function.

One way of viewing system parameters is to select a specific Parameter Group at the Set System Parameters screen. It is also possible to search for a parameter by entering a portion of its name.

While some parameters could logically belong to more than one parameter group, the program only assigns a parameter to a single group. Be sure to look for other related group names when researching the available parameters for a particular function.

To change a system parameter, go to the Main Menu>Settings>System Functions>Set System Parameters, or select System Parameters from the Quick Clicks on the Main Menu accordion, provided it has not been deleted by the user.

 For instructions, review the Knowledge Base topic, Set System Parameters.


Parameter Name



If TRUE, the user will be allowed to cancel an order with an unvoidable tax submission through Avalara (with a warning). If FALSE, the user will not be allowed to do so. Introduced in V7.5.


Only selected if using an external sales tax calculation system (e.g. AvaTax). Call the appropriate sales tax system to calculate taxes as each new order is imported from a shopping cart , if the order is complete (has no backordered items). Also see CalcTaxAtImportIfIncomplete.


For AvaTax system.


For AvaTax.


For AvaTax system.


For AvaTax system.


URL for Avatax web service (Default is


Only selected if using an external sales tax calculation system (e.g. AvaTax). As orders are imported from a shopping cart, calculate sales taxes for incomplete orders (those with backorders)?


As orders are imported from a shopping cart, calculate taxes for orders that include drop-shipped items. This parameter only applies when using an external sales tax system, it is ignored by the OM tax system.


Describes the nature of the sales tax transaction at the shopping cart, and whether a tax system such as Avalara was used.  Choices are Tax Tables, Tax System - Calc, Tax System - Saved, or Tax System - Paid.


The tax class to use for a non-taxable product with Avalara. If a product is set to not be non-taxable then this tax class will be sent to Avalara to indicate a non-taxable item. If no value is entered here, the tax class "NT" is used. Introduced in V7.5


The default tax class to use for a product with Avalara. If a product is set to be taxable then this tax class will be used if a tax class is not specified for that product. If no value is specified here, the tax class "Taxable" is used. Introduced in V7.5


The tax class to use for shipping charges with Avalara. If no setting is specified here, the tax class "FR020100" is used. Introduced in V7.5


The tax class to use for surcharges such as Restocking Fees with Avalara. If no value is specified here, the tax clasee "NT" is used. Introduced in V7.5


When entering a manual order, calculate the tax each time an item is added or other change made? If False, taxes will only be calculated when you go to the Payment tab or select in one of the Sales Tax fields.


Select which 3rd party sales tax system to use for Manual Orders.


If a shopping cart is selected for a manual order, set to TRUE to use the cart's SalesTaxSystem or FALSE to use the system designated in ManualOrdersSalesTaxSystem.


Affects only external tax systems, such as Avalara and Custom Tax Calculations (the OM tax system always uses the State list as a filter). 0-Filter Avalara and Custom calls using the State list (same as 7.1 behavior). 1-Do not filter Avalara tax calls but do filter Custom tax calls, 2-Do not filter Avalara or Custom tax calls. Introduced in V7.5


Select which 3rd party sales tax system to use as the system default. Can be over-ridden for Manual Orders by setting parameter ManualOrdersSalesTaxSystem. There is also a cart-based parameter which overrides the main system parameter setting.


Tax nexus address for use with 3rd party sales tax systems.


Tax nexus address for use with 3rd party sales tax systems.


Tax nexus address for use with 3rd party sales tax systems.


Tax nexus address for use with 3rd party sales tax systems.


Tax nexus address for use with 3rd party sales tax systems.


Tax nexus address for use with 3rd party sales tax systems.


For use with Avalara under special situations where a migration to Monsoon/Stone Edge and/or Avalara results in a disparity between the tax document information between local data and Avalara. Keep the value at 0 unless instructed to change it. Introduced in V7.5


Tax nexus address for use with 3rd party sales tax systems.

* also available as cart-based special parameter


Created: 3/13/12

Revised: 5/27/15

Published: 08/19/15

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