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Drop-Ship Purchase Orders

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Loosely Connected Data is an important concept that applies to the entire purchase order system. Merchants often do not receive exactly what they ordered. They may also receive invoices before or after their products are delivered. Therefore the data generated in each stage in the purchase order process is now "loosely connected" to the previous stage’s data. For example, you place a purchase order but as time passes what you expect to receive against that purchase order changes, e.g. quantities, costs, SKUs, etc. Eventually you receive the shipment but it is not what you expected nor does it match the invoice. In version 4.3 (Beta), you can revise the purchase order in the Order Manager to reflect these types of changes whenever you need to. Plus, the program revises the inventory valuation and cost-of-goods for exporting data to QuickBooks.


General Information about Drop-ship Purchase Orders


The following tasks can be done in any order:


Create Drop-ship Purchase Orders

Drop-ship purchase orders are not created at the Purchase Orders screen. Instead, they are created when you place a drop-ship order by one of the following methods:


Revise Drop-ship PO Line Items

Drop-ship purchase orders are created from individual line items in your orders. If the DropShipUsePOSystem parameter is set to True, you can edit these line items until you place the drop-ship order. After you place the drop-ship order, you can only edit it at the Purchase Orders screen.





Click the Drop Ship Tracking button at the top of the Purchase Orders screen. The Drop Ship Tracking dialog box opens:



Click the Import Tracking Data button at the top of the Drop Ship Tracking dialog box.



Click the Invoices button at the top of the Purchase Orders screen. The Invoices screen opens:

  1. IMPORTANT NOTE: At this time, invoice data CANNOT BE EDITED after it has been posted. Be absolutely sure that your information is correct prior to posting the invoice information.



Created: 1/17/12

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